






「大愚和尚の一問一答」は「苦しみを希望に変える 心の処方箋」と題して、人生経験豊富な大愚和尚が、仏教の視点をもって、国内外の方々から寄せられた相談にお応えする番組です。
□ 職場の上司とソリが合わない。
□ 学校でのイジメに悩んでいる。
□ 仕事のモチベーションが上がらない、
□ 失恋後も彼のことが忘れられない。
□ 難病を患っていて生きる望みがない。

●About our videos.

Osho Taigu’s “Heart of Buddha” is entitled as “Prescription of the mind that transforms suffering into hope”. With his Buddhist perspective, Osho Taigu, whose life is rich in experiences, answers to the questions received from people both domestic and foreign.

Content of questions varies from human relationship, work, love affairs, and to health issues. For example:

□I can’t get along with my supervisor.
□I am being bullied at school.
□I don’t feel motivated at work.
□I can’t get him out of my mind even after breakup.
□I`ve got an intractable disease and don’t have any hope for living.

Thankfully, we have received from viewers many positive feedbacks such as “This is exactly what I wanted to learn to overcome my issues”, “ Thank you so much for the helpful advice” .
Please watch the videos and share them with whoever you know is suffering.


大愚 元勝(たいぐ げんしょう) 昭和47年8月生まれ。宗教法人福厳寺住職。慈光グループ代表。空手家、セラピスト、社長、作家など複数の顔を持ち「僧にあらず俗にあらず」を体現する異色の僧侶。僧名は「大愚」(大バカ者=何にもとらわれのない自由な境地に達した者の意)。詳細はこちらhttp://taigu-gensho.com/intro/

●Osho Taigu’s profile

Japanese Zen Buddhist priest Gensho Taigu, born in 1972, is the head priest of Fukugonji temple and representative of Jiko business group. He is a very unique Buddhist priest, the embodiment of “neither the clergy nor the laity” who is also known as a Karate master, therapist, president of the company and writer. His Buddhist name “Taigu” , means the greatest fool who has attained a state of spiritual enlightenment.


【お悩み別 再生リスト(自動で動画が再生されます)】


【字幕言語別 再生リスト】

・English subtitles/英語字幕:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XrJdOwJBw2s&list=PLDoaH_9IZZZsGCsLHrUnwzC1bQ6hxiJD9
・한국어 자막/韓国語字幕:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4LjuDAzbsio&list=PLDoaH_9IZZZuUDjTwqC7dI_H-5Yx_gk1b
・Sous-titres français/フランス語字幕:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tG9bqS2irgA&list=PLDoaH_9IZZZtrMUqNGVd-BcXYr_gmt29K&index=1
・Subtítulos en español/スペイン語字幕:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N3MHtyDd8f8&list=PLDoaH_9IZZZtwLC7bX9IHnOUQO-igaNFB&index=1
・Deutsche Untertitel/ドイツ語字幕:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7lERGPeOTs4&list=PLDoaH_9IZZZsJaIhqoDQhxXy5hrAWrV-9&index=1

【その他 再生リスト】






○All planning, operation, shooting and editing of this YouTube programs are performed by Nalanda Publishing Co.,Ltd.

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