
30分聞き流し読書 世界はでっかい宝島 孫正義【志】iPhone apple スティーブ・ジョブズ

30分聞き流し読書 世界はでっかい宝島 孫正義【志】iPhone apple スティーブ・ジョブズ

30 minutes listening and reading reading The world is a huge treasure island Masayoshi Son [Shi] iPhone apple Steve Jobs

Even after learning the basics and aiming for 100% copy honestly, there will always be more and more self-directed parts, so it is important to start by imitating a successful person. It is best to learn while running in real battles than going to a seminar, school, school or school. Because while you’re learning, enemies and rivals are in real battle. The difference is already open. If you plan your life plan in 100 years, you will find it, but basically there is no time you are only studying. We will practice, learn and fix while practicing. Strong action consists of strong emotion and sensitivity. Learning grandson justice goes beyond grandson justice. Later generations will always surpass him. When there is a trial, understand that it is a test from God. The king is tried three times. It is a test whether it lives or dies.



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